Nailing the game

April at Rize Ads: By the Numbers

On this balmy spring day, we return to our customary advertising spend update.

On this balmy spring day, we return to our customary advertising spend update.

For those joining us anew, let's recap the essentials:

- Our affiliates operate under contractual agreements, making their advertising outlays our responsibility.

- We adhere to a set advertising budget, the same "spend" we discuss each month.

- Increased spending by our affiliates signifies their success with us and their eagerness to explore new opportunities.

Now, onto the figures

In April, our affiliates invested $6.91 million in advertising campaign launches, a modest 0.3% uptick from March.

Over the last four months, spending has surged by 7% compared to the preceding four months (January-April 2024 versus September-December 2023).

Compared to 2023, our metrics have soared by over 55%.

In the coming month, we'll conduct a thorough comparative analysis between last year and this year. Stay tuned for more insights.